

Shaping the Next Generation of Global Leaders and Innovators


According to McKinsey only 6% of global companies are satisfied with their innovation performance. Many organizations struggle to embed a culture of innovation that creates momentum, ensures programs survive competing resource demands, gain traction and lead to impact at scale. A handful of creative leaders do not make an enterprise innovative. To be truly transformative, innovation must be hardwired into your organization.

“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.”
- Jack Welch    

Our programs weaves together concrete tools, experiential learning, and the opportunity for leaders to explore creative responses to everyday leadership challenges. We use an experiential, creative and peer-based learning-by-doing approach designed to have lasting impact on individuals and teams. Participants go forward as creative leaders with greater self-awareness and intentionality. Propelled by greater purpose they are newly courageous in seizing opportunities as they arise. They have new ways to galvanize teams and develop leadership in others. They connect more deeply to the role that relationships and inclusively play in achieving success. They acquire tools for looking at systems and processes that don’t work, and techniques for rethinking them. 


Creative leadership isn’t about leaders simply becoming more creative. It’s about individuals leading for creativity. That means you, as a leader, must unlock the creative potential of your organization, no matter the industry. It’s your job to set the conditions for your organization to generate, embrace, and execute on new ideas. It’s a competitive imperative that will keep you ahead in the marketplace



Building from their passion and purpose and explorative mindset, creative leaders envision a better future. They identify the possibility that things tomorrow can be better than today. They articulate the components of that better tomorrow. Through their vision for the future, they draw others to their cause and inspire them to action.


Creative leaders do not stop at ideas but they deliver breakthrough change; change that is explosive and self-accelerating rather than incremental and linear. The Academy of Tomorrow’s signature strength is engaging the whole system for change – finding a system solution beneficial to key stakeholders and being able to rally them to action. Other competencies that we develop include creating a sense of urgency and inescapability, unleashing and accelerating change, dealing with and benefitting from unpredictability (rather than being paralyzed by it) and protecting bottom-line viability. 


Creative leaders want to work for organizations that are transparent about how they are using their technologies, resources and talent to achieve impact. They want to create shared value, and make positive social and environmental changes on a local and global scale. The Academy of Tomorrow helps corporates design engagement strategies for their employees that leverage their innate leadership skills, ideas and social networks to maximize impact.


Empowering diversity is not just a matter of corporate responsibility, it is an opportunity for a company to authentically leverage the creativity and social richness of different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, generations and sexual orientations. We believe diversity within a team is also key to stimulating divergent opinions and innovative ideas. We work with corporations to evaluate and transform their inclusion strategies to create a workplace culture that celebrates diversity and makes it a critical element  for fostering innovation and productivity.



Innovation combines the concept for a new product, service or business and the team behind it, led by a powerful leader (Creative Leadership). These two major elements begin by the genesis an innovative concept and describing it. Realization consists in giving birth to this idea in the form of an enterprise. We’re not consultants who overload your teams with templated “best practices.” Our strong belief is that sustainable solutions come from when we combine a look inside ourselves and our organizations with a healthy dose of external orientation. The 21st century will be defined by those who collaborate with purpose, responding with big ideas and big heart to the ills caused by post-industrial growth. Our problems are beyond what any single leader can tackle. By working together to get beyond the status quo, we will design unconventional solutions for a new path. This is our way of responding to today’s needs by making use of today’s opportunities, and contribute to changing the world.